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Expand into the woman you've always wanted to be.

It's YOUR turn to 
break free.

Terra Cheree Wells
Accredited Internal Transformation Coach

Hello There!

I'm Terra and I'm so excited that you're here! A little bit about me:

      For as long as I can remember, I craved more. I truly had this burning desire within me to experience everything my soul was craving. I was always thinking up something new to pursue, letting my creative side come out in various ways, and diving into my next project. Although I've always longed for more, I lost that spark somewhere along the way. I felt that I was walking down a path and had no direction of where I was going -- which I found out later on was the biggest issue. 

     I had always dreamed of having the perfect man for me by my side but I somehow got caught up in the vicious dating cycle of low quality men that never truly valued me and who I was as a person. After I was burnt out and had enough, I started looking internally to see why I was attracted to these types of people and what needed to heal within myself. After doing a lot of intense internal work, everything began to align for me. I found the husband of my dreams (I literally wrote out a checklist before I met him and he checked off every single box!). I started to deeply feel the need for expansion.. to travel, to fall in love with life, to experience. I started to feel that intense inspiration for creation again, which has guided me to the lovely industry of coaching. 

      I now understand my purpose in this life. It's to heal and empower women to find their own light within themselves. To allow others to unleash the Goddess within their divine feminine power. To break free from the chains we don't even realize we've put upon ourselves. The light is always there, the passion is always there, the love is always there... it just gets masked by all of the world's external factors that we subconsciously let define us. For so long, I was living through my masculine energy. And although it is healthy to have masculine energy for careers and getting things done, I didn't feel as good as I could have and had to search within to find the culprit. I was suppressing and masking my feminine side and wasn't thriving like I was craving to be. Although it is a daily practice for me and I have to be consistent, embracing my femininity and letting life simply flow has been a total game changer. I now show women how to break down their limiting beliefs around their confidence and self-doubt issues so they can connect with their internal intuition and diving feminine to get what they really want. Your internal relationship with yourself is #1. This comes first before anything else. You can literally have whatever it is in this life, you just have to be brave enough to face those blockages & rise to the level you know you can be at.



 So tell me,

what do you want out of this life?

Let's get you there!


Why are you wanting this expansion & transformation?

To find your purpose?

To connect with yourself on a deeper level?

To feel more alive?

To get to where you know you can be?

We need to get clear on your WHY before we can move onto the HOW.

Once we have discovered your why, we can then move onto the how. How exactly will we get you there? There's actually an important process that you will be taken through:


First comes the breakdown. We must first break down the patterns you've picked up along the way. What is actually holding you back? We must peel back each layer and allow the core of the issue to rise to the surface.

Then comes the breakthrough. This is where you make connections and realizations that you've never been able to see prior. You have an AHA! moment. You reach a sense of understanding and finally have clarity.

And then you break free. Once the breakdown and breakthrough has occurred, you can break free from your old patterns and limiting beliefs. You will see life in a completely different way and be able to move forward with direction, clarity, and ease. You will be able to incorporate new patterns into this new life of yours. You will finally be able to make that dream life a reality!

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